Got values? Come explore this summer!

We have a few spots left. If you are a frontline staff, a manager or coordinator working in the social service sector and are interested in developing values based practice then get in touch.

We’re ready to put the Push and Pull document into practice! For the next two months we will be working with frontline staff from drop-in centres across Toronto to develop work place practices where the values driving the practice are made really explicit.


We’re kicking this off on July 14th and July 15th with a service design boot camp!

Staff get to choose a value that interests them be it – the value of learning, healing, pragmatism or contribution (they are all outlined in the push and pull document). Then we will work together building up practices they can use in their everyday work context based on these values.

What we are thinking about here is how different values lead to different kinds of outcomes. Are we a carer? And so when a client tells us about a problem we empathise and try to solve the problem? Or are we more about building capacity? And so we approach a client’s problem by coaching them in finding the solution themselves. Each approach is led by a different value, and each leads to different outcomes.

To find out more….. take a look at Push and Pull: Why Practice and what it could look like 

If you want to join our service design boot camp, get in touch